"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return."
I guess we all really want that in the end. From friends, family, that special someone we both hate&love (because you can say you don't have someone like that in your life, but it's probably a lie).
Love is validation. People can feel however they want about others, as long as those others love them.
I love love. It's probably going to be in this blog more than you want to read about. C'est la vie.
Anyways. Backstory: A lot of my friends have blogs, and until recently I haven't had the time to read them. But this weekend I took the time to sit down and look at them. I really loved them. So I started writing, and I felt better than I have in a long time. So here I go with a blog. Might be awful, might be great.
But it'll be me. And that'll be good.
Come what may.